

Aussie Open make a mark on IMPACT against BULLET CLUB 【NJoA】

STRONG Tag Champions arrive on IMPACT

Mark Davis and Kyle Fletcher made their debuts on IMPACT this week as Aussie Open took to the ring against BULLET CLUB’s Ace Austin and Chris Bey. The STRONG Champions would interrupt a pre-match Too Sweet for Bey and Austin, before taking their opponents to task, but a response was swift. 

Austin would be able to use the ring apron to his advantage to break up an attack on Bey, who re-entered the ring to land a massive tope con giro that took out both Davis and Fletcher. Yet the STRONG champs would catch a pair of top rope attacks, and sent both BULLET CLUB members colliding into one another to regain control of the match. 

Aussie Open effectively cut Austin off from Bey until the Inevitable was able to evade contact from Fletcher and bring Bey back inside. The Finesser flew from one opponent to the next before a low bridge allowed Austin to Soar to Glory on Davis. House of Cards set Fletcher up for a big splash from Bey for two, but effective ring awareness from Fletcher turned the tide. 

A well timed save for Davis and some quick reactions left bey alone with Fletcher and Davis, and after sandwiching him between elbows, the Corealis followed for three. 

Watch the match on NJPW World soon!